Cobalt API

Cobalt has classes for each Akoma Ntoso document type.

Base classes

Cobalt’s class hierarchy mimics that of the Akoma Ntoso standard. There is a single root class for all Akoma Ntoso documents. There are subclasses for each of the Akoma Ntoso document structure types, such as hierarchicalStructure, debateStructure, etc. Finally, there is a class for each Akoma Ntoso document type (act, bill, judgment, etc.) that extends the corresponding structure type.

class cobalt.akn.AkomaNtosoDocument(xml=None)

Base class for Akoma Ntoso documents.

  • rootlxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement root of the XML document

  • namespace – primary XML namespace

ensure_element(name, after, at=None, attribs=None)

Helper to get an element if it exists, or create it if it doesn’t.

  • name – dotted path from self or at

  • after – element after which to place the new element if it doesn’t exist

  • at – element at which to start looking, (defaults to self if None)

get_element(name, root=None)

Lookup a dotted-path element, start at root (or self if root is None). Returns None if the element doesn’t exist.

parse(xml, document_type=None)

Parse XML and ensure it’s Akoma Ntoso with a known namespace. Raises ValueError on error.

class cobalt.akn.StructuredDocument(xml=None)

Common base class for AKN documents with a known document structure.


Get an OrderedDict of component name to lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement objects. Components are this document, and <component> and <attachment> elements inside this document.

document_type = None

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.

classmethod empty_document(version='3.0')

Return XML for an empty document of this type, using the given AKN version.

classmethod empty_meta(frbr_uri, version='3.0', maker=None, for_root=True)

Create a meta element for an frbr_uri, using the provided version or element maker.

property expression_date

Date from the FRBRExpression element


The FRBR Expression URI as a cobalt.uri.FrbrUri instance that uniquely identifies this document universally.

classmethod for_document_type(document_type)

Return the subclass for this document type.

property frbr_uri

The FRBR Manifestation URI as a cobalt.uri.FrbrUri instance that uniquely identifies this document universally.

get_portion_element(portion, component=None)

Get a single portion of this document. The portion is usually an eId, as specified by

The optional component is the ancestor element within which to look for the portion.

Range portions (eg. chp_1->chp_3) are not supported by this function.

property language

The 3-letter ISO-639-2 language code of this document.

property main

Get the main document element (normally the first child of the root element).

property main_content

Get the main content element of the document.

main_content_tag = None

The name of the structural type’s main content element.

property manifestation_date

Date from the FRBRManifestation element

property meta

Get the meta element of the document.

non_eid_portions = ['arguments', 'background', 'conclusions', 'decision', 'header', 'introduction', 'motivation', 'preamble', 'preface', 'remedies']

Portion names that are valid portions, but don’t have eids, for use with get_portion_element.

parse(xml, document_type=None)

Parse XML and ensure it’s Akoma Ntoso. Raises ValueError on error. Returns the root element.

structure_type = None

The name of this document’s structural type.

property title

Short title

property work_date

Date from the FRBRWork element. Normally, this date must match the date portion of the work’s FRBR URI. However, since that may be a partial date (such as just a year), this return value may be different to the date string stored in the FRBRdate element. In particular, if the date is just a year, the month and day both default to 1.


Format a date as an XML-suitable string. If the date is None, uses NULL_DATE.


Parse an XML date string into a real date. If the value is the NULL_DATE, returns None.


class cobalt.amendment.Amendment(xml=None)

Bases: AmendmentStructure

document_type = 'amendment'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.

class cobalt.amendment.AmendmentList(xml=None)

Bases: CollectionStructure

document_type = 'amendmentList'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.

class cobalt.amendment.AmendmentStructure(xml=None)

Bases: StructuredDocument

main_content_tag = 'amendmentBody'

The name of the structural type’s main content element.

structure_type = 'amendmentStructure'

The name of this document’s structural type.


class cobalt.collection.Collection(xml=None)

Bases: CollectionStructure

document_type = 'documentCollection'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.

class cobalt.collection.CollectionStructure(xml=None)

Bases: StructuredDocument

main_content_tag = 'collectionBody'

The name of the structural type’s main content element.

structure_type = 'collectionStructure'

The name of this document’s structural type.

class cobalt.collection.OfficialGazette(xml=None)

Bases: CollectionStructure

document_type = 'officialGazette'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.


class cobalt.debate.DebateRecord(xml=None)

Bases: DebateStructure

document_type = 'debate'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.

class cobalt.debate.DebateStructure(xml=None)

Bases: StructuredDocument

main_content_tag = 'debateBody'

The name of the structural type’s main content element.

structure_type = 'debateStructure'

The name of this document’s structural type.

Hierarchical structure

class cobalt.hierarchical.Act(xml=None)

Bases: HierarchicalStructure

An Akoma Ntoso Act document.

document_type = 'act'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.

property publication_date

Date of publication as a object.

property publication_name

Name of the publication in which this act was published.

property publication_number

Sequence number of the publication.

class cobalt.hierarchical.AmendmentEvent(date=None, amending_title=None, amending_uri=None)

Bases: object

An event that amended a document.

  • date of the event

  • amending_title – String title of the amending document

  • amending_uri – String form of the FRBR URI of the amending document

class cobalt.hierarchical.Bill(xml=None)

Bases: HierarchicalStructure

An Akoma Ntoso Bill document.

document_type = 'bill'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.

class cobalt.hierarchical.HierarchicalStructure(xml=None)

Bases: StructuredDocument

main_content_tag = 'body'

The name of the structural type’s main content element.

structure_type = 'hierarchicalStructure'

The name of this document’s structural type.

class cobalt.hierarchical.RepealEvent(date=None, repealing_title=None, repealing_uri=None)

Bases: object

An event that repealed a document.

  • date of the event

  • repealing_title – String title of the repealing document

  • repealing_uri – String form of the FRBR URI of the repealing document


class cobalt.judgment.Judgment(xml=None)

Bases: JudgmentStructure

document_type = 'judgment'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.

class cobalt.judgment.JudgmentStructure(xml=None)

Bases: StructuredDocument

main_content_tag = 'judgmentBody'

The name of the structural type’s main content element.

structure_type = 'judgmentStructure'

The name of this document’s structural type.

Open structure

class cobalt.openstructure.DebateReport(xml=None)

Bases: OpenStructure

document_type = 'debateReport'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.

class cobalt.openstructure.Document(xml=None)

Bases: OpenStructure

document_type = 'doc'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.

class cobalt.openstructure.OpenStructure(xml=None)

Bases: StructuredDocument

main_content_tag = 'mainBody'

The name of the structural type’s main content element.

structure_type = 'openStructure'

The name of this document’s structural type.

class cobalt.openstructure.Statement(xml=None)

Bases: OpenStructure

document_type = 'statement'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.


class cobalt.portion.Portion(xml=None)

Bases: PortionStructure

document_type = 'portion'

The name of the document type, corresponding to the primary document XML element.

class cobalt.portion.PortionStructure(xml=None)

Bases: StructuredDocument

main_content_tag = 'portionBody'

The name of the structural type’s main content element.

structure_type = 'portionStructure'

The name of this document’s structural type.


class cobalt.uri.FrbrUri(country, locality, doctype, subtype, actor, date, number, work_component=None, language=None, expression_date=None, format=None, portion=None, prefix='akn')

An object for working with Akoma Ntoso 3.0 FRBR URIs (IRIs).

URIs can be parsed from a plain string using parse() or they can be constructed directly. URIs can be manipulated in-place once constructed, which is useful for turning a work-level URI into an expression or manifestation URI.

URIs can be transformed back to the string form of work, expression and manifestation URIs using the work_uri(), expression_uri() and manifestation_uri() methods.


>>> uri = FrbrUri.parse('/akn/za-jhb/act/by-law/2003/public-health/eng:2015-01-01/!main~part_1.xml')
>>> uri.prefix
>>> uri.locality
>>> uri.doctype
>>> uri.subtype
>>> uri.number
>>> uri.language
>>> uri.expression_date
>>> uri.work_component
>>> uri.portion
>>> uri.format
>>> uri.work_uri()
>>> uri.expression_uri()
>>> uri.manifestation_uri()
  • prefix – optional akn prefix

  • country – two letter country code

  • locality – locality within the country, may be None

  • doctype – type of document (eg. act)

  • subtype – document subtype, may be None

  • actor – emenating actor, may be None

  • date – document data (str), YYYY[-MM[-DD]]

  • number – document number (str)

  • work_component – name of the work component, may be None

  • language – three-letter expression language code, may be None

  • expression_date – expression date (str), [@:]YYYY[-MM[-DD]], may be None

  • format – format extension, may be None


Return a copy of this FrbrUri object.


String form of the expression URI.


String form of the manifestation URI.

classmethod parse(s)

Parse a string into an FrbrUri instance.


ValueError – if parsing fails

property place

Full place code, including both country and locality (if present).


String form of the work URI, excluding the work component, if any.


String form of the work URI.

property year

The year, derived from date. Read-only.

Schemas and validation

Cobalt can validate Akoma Ntoso documents against the Akoma Ntoso schema. Two schemas are provided:

  1. Strict: the official AKN schema

  2. Lenient: a slightly modified version of the official schema. Duplicate eId attributes are allowed, and FRBRdate elements are allowed to have year-only @date values.

cobalt.schemas.validate(akn_doc, strict=False)

Validate this AKN document against its schema. if strict is True, then also validate the uniqueness of eId attributes. Returns a (validates, errors) tuple.

cobalt.schemas.assert_validates(akn_doc, strict=False)

Assert that this AKN document validates against the AKN schema. Raises lxml.etree.DocumentInvalid if validation fails.